"The Answer to Racism is Eracism."

Eracism Foundation Blog

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Louis Gossett Jr at Writer & Director Satie Gossett Forgiveness FilmFORGIVENESS – a twenty-five-minute short film written and directed by Satie Gossett, is the story of a young African American boy who explores the brutal history of America’s role in slavery as the topic for his entry into a national essay contest issued by the President of the United States. President McGovern needs inspiration from the youth about how to fix America. Oliver Burroughs, learning about slavery in his class declares that the President needs to apologize, so he submits his solution and enters his essay in the contest. Oliver learns about the profound impact of slavery on America and different perspectives from everyone in his life. Destiny lays a path for Oliver’s essay to win the President’s contest, and now President McGovern has the task to fulfill this young man’s request to make a national apology for America’s involvement in slavery so healing in the nation can begin. FORGIVENESS is an allegory of innocence and redemption.

“My hope is that FORGIVENESS can shift the world’s context around how we deal with slavery as a people and as a country,” states writer/director, Satie Gossett.

Lou Gossett Jr and Satie Gossett at Screening of ForgivenessLou Gossett Jr and Satie Gossett at Screening of Forgiveness Red Carpet

“Forgiveness is essential for our mutual salvation, which aligns with the aim of my Eracism Foundation,” states Academy-Award-winning actor, Louis Gossett, Jr. who is the father of the filmmaker.

Lou Gossett Jr Satie Gossett and Roland Kilumbu at Screening of Forgiveness on the Red Carpet


Funded by Sandra Evers-Manley’s “Films With A Purpose” (FWAPLA), the organization urges community leaders and educators to organize and attend the public screenings, and sell-out at the theater during its limited release to qualify for an Academy Award for Short Film Consideration:


Landmark Theaters, September 7th thru 13th, 2016
Screening Mornings 11:30am (times subject to change)


For tickets, log on to https://www.landmarktheatres.com/los-angeles/the-landmark/film-info/short-forgiveness?attributes=165

For more information about FORGIVENESS, Films With A Purpose, and other films supported by FWAPLA, log on to www.filmswithapurpose.net
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